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Inference using the BEMB model

This tutorial covers methods for post-estimation inference. After training the BEMB model, it is useful to have a more detailed look at predictions from the model. Functionalities covered in this tutorial allows you to make prediction on new datasets. Methods here (i.e., forward() and predict_proba()) are versatile and offering both predicted probabilities and predicted utilities.

Author: Tianyu Du

Date: Aug. 8, 2022

Update: Aug. 10, 2022

import sys
from typing import Optional, Dict

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch

# we use the dataset simulation method from unit tests.
import simulate_choice_dataset
import torch
from bemb.model import LitBEMBFlex
from import ChoiceDataset
/Users/tianyudu/miniforge3/envs/ml/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/ UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.1
  warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"

Generate Simulated Datasets

We will use the simulated dataset in this tutorial for demonstration purpose.

The simulated dataset is divided into train (80%), validation (10%), and test (10%) subsets automatically.

Moreover, the simulated dataset includes 50-dimensional user observables and item observables. This tutorial mentioned definitions of these observables but you don't need to know them for the purpose of this tutorial.

num_users = 1500
num_items = 50
data_size = 10000

# split into three train, validation and test datasets.
dataset_list = simulate_choice_dataset.simulate_dataset(num_users=num_users, num_items=num_items, data_size=data_size)
No `session_index` is provided, assume each choice instance is in its own session.

[ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[8000], user_index=[8000], session_index=[8000], item_availability=[], user_obs=[1500, 50], item_obs=[50, 50], device=cpu),
 ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[1000], user_index=[1000], session_index=[1000], item_availability=[], user_obs=[1500, 50], item_obs=[50, 50], device=cpu),
 ChoiceDataset(label=[], item_index=[1000], user_index=[1000], session_index=[1000], item_availability=[], user_obs=[1500, 50], item_obs=[50, 50], device=cpu)]

Construct and Train the Model

Here we will be using a rather simple model with two sets of parameters, an user latent \(\theta_u \in \mathbb{R}^{10}\) for each of the 1,500 users, and an item latent \(\alpha_i \in \mathbb{R}^{10}\) for each of the 50 items.

Note: The behavior of forward() and predict_proba() methods depends on the model setup (i.e., whether pred_item or not).

Note: The LitBEMBFlex object is a class wrapping the actual model with training loops, to access the core model encompassed, we use bemb.model (see the return line of train_model()).

def train_model(pred_item: bool):
    bemb = LitBEMBFlex(
        learning_rate=0.03,  # set the learning rate, feel free to play with different levels.
        num_seeds=32,  # number of Monte Carlo samples for estimating the ELBO.
        utility_formula='theta_user * alpha_item',  # the utility formula.
        # tell the model some necessary information about the setup.
        # whether to turn on obs2prior for each parameter.
        obs2prior_dict={'theta_user': True, 'alpha_item': True},
        # the dimension of latents, since the utility is an inner product of theta and alpha, they should have
        # the same dimension.
        coef_dim_dict={'theta_user': 10, 'alpha_item': 10}

    # use GPU if available.
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        bemb ='cuda')

    # use the provided run helper to train the model.
    # we set batch size to be 5% of the data size, and train the model for 10 epochs.
    # there would be 20*10=200 gradient update steps in total.
    bemb = bemb.fit_model(dataset_list, batch_size=len(dataset_list[0]) // 20, num_epochs=10, num_workers=0)
    # The `LitBEMBFlex` object is a class wrapping the actual model with training loops, to access the core model encompassed, we use `bemb.model`.
    return bemb.model

The forward() Function

The forward() function is the main workhorse for inference, please see the doc-string of forward() function for definitions of its arguments.

def forward(self, batch: ChoiceDataset,
            return_type: str,
            return_scope: str,
            deterministic: bool = True,
            sample_dict: Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]] = None,
            num_seeds: Optional[int] = None
            ) -> torch.Tensor:
    """A combined method for inference with the model.

        batch (ChoiceDataset): batch data containing choice information.
        return_type (str): either 'log_prob' or 'utility'.
            'log_prob': return the log-probability (by within-category log-softmax) for items
            'utility': return the utility value of items.
        return_scope (str): either 'item_index' or 'all_items'.
            'item_index': for each observation i, return log-prob/utility for the chosen item batch.item_index[i] only.
            'all_items': for each observation i, return log-prob/utility for all items.
        deterministic (bool, optional):
            True: expectations of parameter variational distributions are used for inference.
            False: the user needs to supply a dictionary of sampled parameters for inference.
            Defaults to True.
        sample_dict (Optional[Dict[str, torch.Tensor]], optional): sampled parameters for inference task.
            This is not needed when `deterministic` is True.
            When `deterministic` is False, the user can supply a `sample_dict`. If `sample_dict` is not provided,
            this method will create `num_seeds` samples.
            Defaults to None.
        num_seeds (Optional[int]): the number of random samples of parameters to construct. This is only required
            if `deterministic` is False (i.e., stochastic mode) and `sample_dict` is not provided.
            Defaults to None.
        torch.Tensor: a tensor of log-probabilities or utilities, depending on `return_type`.
            The shape of the returned tensor depends on `return_scope` and `deterministic`.
            | `return_scope` | `deterministic` |         Output shape               |
            |   'item_index` |      True       | (len(batch),)                      |
            |   'all_items'  |      True       | (len(batch), num_items)            |
            |   'item_index' |      False      | (num_seeds, len(batch))            |
            |   'all_items'  |      False      | (num_seeds, len(batch), num_items) |
    # function body omitted.
    return None

With our simple model, for the \(k\)-th purchasing record (observation) in the dataset, suppose dataset.user_index[k] = \(u(k)\) and dataset.user_index[k] = \(i(k)\). Suppose there are \(K\) such observations in the dataset.

After training the model, the model now contain fitted values of \(\theta\)'s and \(\alpha\)'s, inference predictions will be based on these parameters.

Our simple model calculates \(\(U_{u(k) \ell} = \theta_{u(k)}^\top \alpha_\ell\)\) for every possible item \(\ell\) including the chosen \(i(k)\). This is called user \(u(k)\)'s utility from buying item \(\ell\).

As mentioned before, interpretations of the forward() function are slightly different depending on whether pred_item == True.

Summary Table for forward() Method

pred_item return_scope return_type Output Shape Output Tensor
True item_index utility (len(batch),) \(\left[\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right]\)
True item_index log_prob (len(batch),) \(\left[\log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } i(1)} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } i(2)} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } i(K)} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right)\right]\)
True all_items utility (len(batch), num_items) \(\begin{bmatrix} \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \\ \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \\ \vdots \\ \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \end{bmatrix}\)
True all_items log_prob (len(batch), num_items) \(\begin{bmatrix} \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 1} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 2} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right) \\ \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 1} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 2} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right) \\ \vdots \\ \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_1)}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 1} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_2)}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 2} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right) \end{bmatrix}\)
False item_index utility (len(batch),) \(\left[\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right]\)
False item_index log_prob (len(batch),) \(\left[y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}\right)\right), y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}\right)\right), \dots, y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right)\right)\right]\)
False all_items utility (len(batch), num_items) \(\begin{bmatrix} \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \\ \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \\ \vdots \\ \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \end{bmatrix}\)
False all_items log_prob (len(batch), num_items) \(\begin{bmatrix} y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right), y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) , \dots, y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) \\ y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right), y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) , \dots, y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) \\ \vdots \\ y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right), y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) , \dots, y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) \end{bmatrix}\)

Predicting Item Index (pred_item == True)

In this case, the model aims to predict which item user \(u(k)\) would purchase.

Let's get a copy of the simple model.

# use %%capture to hide cumbersome logs of training.
model = train_model(pred_item=True)
GPU available: False, used: False
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs

  | Name  | Type     | Params
0 | model | BEMBFlex | 33.0 K
33.0 K    Trainable params
0         Non-trainable params
33.0 K    Total params
0.132     Total estimated model params size (MB)

Let's then make predicting using the test set (the last entry in dataset_list).

batch = dataset_list[-1]

Recall that, for each observation \(k\), suppose \(u(k)\) is the corresponding user and item \(i(k)\) was chosen. With learned parameters \(\theta_u\) and \(\alpha_i\), the model first calculates \(\(U_{u(k) \ell} = \theta_{u(k)}^\top \alpha_\ell\)\) for every possible item \(\ell\) including the chosen \(i(k)\). This is called user \(u(k)\)'s utility from buying item \(\ell\).

Then, the predicted probability for user \(u(k)\) to purchase item \(i\) is: \(\(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_i)}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } i} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\)\)

The denominator was normalizing using all items belonging to the category of item \(i\), however, in this example, we don't consider items' categories (i.e., assuming all of them belong to the same category). The predicted probability becomes: \(\(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_i)}{\sum_{\ell=1}^{num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\)\)

The forward() function allows you to get predicted probabilities (actually, log-probability for numerical stability) for all items. You would need to specify * return_scope='all_items' * return_type='log_prob'

As we expected, the shape of log_prob_all_items is \(K\) by num-items, so that log_prob_all_items[k, i] denotes the predicted log-probability for user \(u(k)\) to choose item \(i\) in the context of the \(k\)-th observation.

Formally, the returned tensor is:

\[\begin{bmatrix} \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 1} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 2} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right) \\ \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 1} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 2} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right) \\ \vdots \\ \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_1)}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 1} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_2)}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } 2} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right), \dots, \log\left(\frac{\exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items})}{\sum_{\ell \in \text{category of } num\_items} \exp(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}) }\right) \end{bmatrix}\]
log_prob_all_items = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='log_prob')
log_prob_all_items.shape=torch.Size([1000, 50])

The predicted probabilities in each row of log_prob_all_items should (approximately) sum to one.

tensor([[0.0419, 0.0089, 0.0380,  ..., 0.0266, 0.0098, 0.0428],
        [0.0104, 0.0393, 0.0197,  ..., 0.0196, 0.0078, 0.0346],
        [0.0284, 0.0262, 0.0207,  ..., 0.0041, 0.0049, 0.0062],
        [0.0043, 0.0255, 0.0065,  ..., 0.0147, 0.0056, 0.0263],
        [0.0101, 0.0215, 0.0091,  ..., 0.0168, 0.0462, 0.0052],
        [0.0191, 0.0283, 0.0014,  ..., 0.0049, 0.0254, 0.0192]],

Sometimes we want raw values of utilities of each user \(u(k)\) from purchasing each item \(i\). To achieve this, we specify: * return_type='utility'

In this case, the returned tensor is:

\[\begin{bmatrix} \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \\ \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \\ \vdots \\ \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items} \end{bmatrix}\]
utility_all_items = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='utility')
utility_all_items.shape=torch.Size([1000, 50])

Note that there is no guarantee on the row-sum of this tensor.

tensor([[ 0.7441, -0.8005,  0.6468,  ...,  0.2911, -0.7060,  0.7649],
        [-0.6786,  0.6514, -0.0381,  ..., -0.0436, -0.9664,  0.5246],
        [ 0.5187,  0.4397,  0.2012,  ..., -1.4056, -1.2460, -1.0009],
        [-0.9111,  0.8633, -0.4985,  ...,  0.3130, -0.6555,  0.8928],
        [-0.2202,  0.5378, -0.3241,  ...,  0.2927,  1.3049, -0.8828],
        [ 0.4644,  0.8605, -2.1168,  ..., -0.8846,  0.7492,  0.4722]],

In some other cases, such as while computing the log-likelihood to assess the goodness-of-fit for the entire model, we only care about user \(u(k)\)'s utility/log-probability for item \(i(k)\) that she/he actually bought.

Specifying * return_scope = 'item_index calculates these values much faster on large datasets and/or we have many categories of items compared to the log_prob_all_items[torch.arange(len(batch)), batch.item_index] operation.

log_prob_item_index = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='log_prob')
torch.all(log_prob_item_index == log_prob_all_items[torch.arange(len(batch)), batch.item_index])
utility_item_index = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility')
torch.all(utility_item_index == utility_all_items[torch.arange(len(batch)), batch.item_index])


Predicting Binary Labels (pred_item == False)

We have a label \(y_k \in \{0, 1\}\) for each observation \(k\), the model can either output the (1) raw utility or (2) the predicted \(\hat{P}(y_k = 1)\) defined as \(\sigma(U)\), where \(\sigma(x) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp(-x)}\).

Notes 1. the return shape does not depend on the return_type, please compare exact expressions to see the difference. 2. the pred_item variable was specified while initializing the model (see above), return_scope and return_type are supplied while calling forward().

for dataset in dataset_list:
    # assign some trivial labels.
    dataset.label = torch.Tensor(dataset.user_index >= (num_users // 2)).long()
# use %%capture to hide cumbersome logs of training.
model = train_model(pred_item=False)
GPU available: False, used: False
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs

  | Name  | Type     | Params
0 | model | BEMBFlex | 33.0 K
33.0 K    Trainable params
0         Non-trainable params
33.0 K    Total params
0.132     Total estimated model params size (MB)
batch = dataset_list[-1]

With return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility', the forward() method returns \(\(\left[\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right].\)\) This is indeed the same as the case wth pred_item = True above.

Therefore, utility_item_index[k] below is the utility of user \(u(k)\) from purchasing the item \(i(k)\) in the \(k\)-th observation.

With pred_item = False, each observation \(k\) is now associated with a label \(y_k \in \{0, 1\}\). With return_type='log_prob', the forward() function returns the predicted probability of the label \(y_k\).

Specifically, the model will predict the probability of the positive class (i.e., \(y_k = 1\)), condition on latent of user \(u(k)\) and item \(i(k)\) as $$ P(y_k=1 | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{i(k)}) = \sigma(\theta_{u(k)}^\top \alpha_{i(k)}) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp\left(-\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right)} \in [0, 1] $$ Therefore, the \(k\)-th entry of the returned tensor (i.e., log_prob_item_index[k] below) is \(\log \sigma(\theta_{u(k)}^\top \alpha_{i(k)})\) if \(y_k = 1\) and \(\log \left(1 - \sigma(\theta_{u(k)}^\top \alpha_{i(k)})\right)\) if \(y_k = 0\). This can be equivalently written as \(\(\left[y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{i(1)}\right)\right), y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{i(2)}\right)\right), \dots, y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{i(K)}\right)\right)\right]\)\)

utility_item_index = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility')
log_prob_item_index = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='log_prob')

But, what if I want \(P(y_k=1 | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{i(k)})\) for every observation \(k\)? The solution is straightforward, we simply take the \(\sigma(\cdot)\) transformation of utilities returned by utility_all_items = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility').

Please note that when return_type = 'utility', the dataset (batch) doesn't need to have a label attribute! For example, you might have label on your training dataset, but you want to conduct inference on a new dataset without known labels. You can simply create a ChoiceDataset object without the label attribute and use the following method to draw inference on it (e.g., get predicted probabilities of positive classes).

Here is an example:

# make a copy of the batch.
batch_copy = batch.clone()
# manually delete the label attribute, with return_type = 'utility', we don't need this.
del batch_copy.label
A = model.forward(batch_copy, return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility')
prob_positive_class = 1 / (1 + torch.exp(-A))

Recall that log_prob_item_index = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='log_prob') reports the predicted log-probability of the actual label \(y_k\), namely \(\log P(y_k | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{i(k)})\). Therefore, the relationship between log_prob_item_index we computed before and the prob_positive_class tensor we just computed is $$ \texttt{log_prob_item_index} = \log P(y_k | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{i(k)}) = \begin{cases} \log P(y_k=1 | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{i(k)}) &\text{ if } y_k = 1 \ \log \left(1 - P(y_k=1 | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{i(k)})\right) &\text{ if } y_k = 0 \ \end{cases} = \begin{cases} \log \texttt{prob_positive_class} &\text{ if } y_k = 1 \ \log \left(1 - \texttt{prob_positive_class}\right) &\text{ if } y_k = 0 \ \end{cases} $$

Let confirm the relationship now.

y = batch.label
log_prob_item_index_from_alternative_method = y * torch.log(prob_positive_class) + (1 - y) * torch.log(1 - prob_positive_class)
torch.all(log_prob_item_index == log_prob_item_index_from_alternative_method)

Since different items have different latent \(\alpha_\ell\), the predicted probability of \(y_k = 1\) depends on the item chosen. By setting return_scope='all_items', the forward() method returns \(\theta_{u(k)}^\top \alpha_{\ell}\) and \(\log P(y_k | \theta_{u(k)}, \alpha_{\ell})\) for all items \(\ell \in \{1, 2, \dots, num\_items\}\).

Formally, the utility_all_items tensors contains: $$ \begin{bmatrix} \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num_items} \ \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num_items} \ \vdots \ \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}, \dots, \theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num_items} \end{bmatrix} $$

and the log_prob_all_items tensors contains: \(\(\begin{bmatrix} y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right), y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) , \dots, y_1 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) + (1-y_1) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(1)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) \\ y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right), y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) , \dots, y_2 \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) + (1-y_2) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(2)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) \\ \vdots \\ y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{1}\right)\right), y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{2}\right)\right) , \dots, y_K \log\left(\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) + (1-y_K) \log\left(1-\sigma\left(\theta_{u(K)}^\top \alpha_{num\_items}\right)\right) \end{bmatrix}\)\)

utility_all_items = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='utility')
log_prob_all_items = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='log_prob')
utility_all_items.shape=torch.Size([1000, 50])
Using the new version...
log_prob_all_items.shape=torch.Size([1000, 50])

Let check these tensors are consistent with the return_scope='item_index' case:

print(torch.all(utility_all_items[torch.arange(len(batch)), batch.item_index] == utility_item_index))
print(torch.all(log_prob_all_items[torch.arange(len(batch)), batch.item_index] == log_prob_item_index))

If you want the predicted probability for the positive class \(y_k = 1\), then you can simply apply sigmoid function \(\sigma()\) to the utility_all_items tensor.

The deterministic Option

By default, the forward() function has keyword argument deterministic = True. In this case, the model uses the means of fitted variational distributions of \(\theta\) and \(\alpha\) to compute utilities and log-probabilities.

One can specify forward(deterministic=False, num_seeds=<XXX>), the model will firstly sample num_seeds copies of \(\theta\) and \(\alpha\) from their variational distributions. For each copy, the model calculated utility/log-probability as described above.

Therefore, with the same pred_item, return_scope, and return_type, the returned tensor has shape (num_seeds, <the shape described in the table above>).

For example, for a model initialized with pred_item=False,

  • forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='utility', deterministic=True) returns shape (len(batch), num_items) as mentioned above.
  • However, forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='utility', deterministic=False, num_seeds=32) returns shape (32, len(batch), num_items).

Here is an actual example (with pred_item = False):

deterministic = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility', deterministic=True)
random = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='utility', deterministic=False, num_seeds=128)
# the mean absolute difference between deterministic estimation and random estimation.
torch.mean(torch.abs(deterministic - random.mean(dim=0)))
random.shape=torch.Size([128, 1000])

tensor(0.0433, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)
deterministic = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='utility', deterministic=True)
random = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='utility', deterministic=False, num_seeds=128)
# the mean absolute difference between deterministic estimation and random estimation.
torch.mean(torch.abs(deterministic - random.mean(dim=0)))
deterministic.shape=torch.Size([1000, 50])
random.shape=torch.Size([128, 1000, 50])

tensor(0.0443, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)
deterministic = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='log_prob', deterministic=True)
random = model.forward(batch, return_scope='all_items', return_type='log_prob', deterministic=False, num_seeds=128)
# the mean absolute difference between deterministic estimation and random estimation.
torch.mean(torch.abs(deterministic - random.mean(dim=0)))
Using the new version...
Using the new version...
deterministic.shape=torch.Size([1000, 50])
random.shape=torch.Size([128, 1000, 50])

tensor(0.0483, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)
deterministic = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='log_prob', deterministic=True)
random = model.forward(batch, return_scope='item_index', return_type='log_prob', deterministic=False, num_seeds=128)
# the mean absolute difference between deterministic estimation and random estimation.
torch.mean(torch.abs(deterministic - random.mean(dim=0)))
random.shape=torch.Size([128, 1000])

tensor(0.0482, grad_fn=<MeanBackward0>)

Syntax Sugar: the predict_proba() Function

The predict_proba() Function mimics the method with the same name in scikit-learn library.

Note: to avoid over-flow or under-flow issues, please use the forward() function, which provides log-probabilities whenever possible.

def predict_proba(self, batch: ChoiceDataset) -> torch.Tensor:
    Draw prediction on a given batch of dataset.

    batch (ChoiceDataset): the dataset to draw inference on.

    torch.Tensor: the predicted probabilities for each class, the behavior varies by self.pred_item.
    (1: pred_item == True) While predicting items, the return tensor has shape (len(batch), num_items), out[i, j] is the predicted probability for choosing item j AMONG ALL ITEMS IN ITS CATEGORY in observation i. Please note that since probabilities are computed from within-category normalization, hence out.sum(dim=0) can be greater than 1 if there are multiple categories.
    (2: pred_item == False) While predicting external labels for each observations, out[i, 0] is the predicted probability for label == 0 on the i-th observation, out[i, 1] is the predicted probability for label == 1 on the i-th observation. Generally, out[i, 0] + out[i, 1] = 1.0. However, this could be false if under-flowing/over-flowing issue is encountered.
    We highly recommend users to use the forward function to get the log-prob instead.
proba = model.predict_proba(batch)
/Users/tianyudu/miniforge3/envs/ml/lib/python3.9/site-packages/torch/nn/ UserWarning: nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.
  warnings.warn("nn.functional.sigmoid is deprecated. Use torch.sigmoid instead.")
tensor([[0.4757, 0.5243],
        [0.5466, 0.4534],
        [0.5449, 0.4551],
        [0.4290, 0.5710],
        [0.5680, 0.4320],
        [0.5732, 0.4268]])

Let's verify that each row of proba sum to one:

torch.all(proba.sum(dim=1) == 1.0)

And the second column of proba should be the prob_positive_class we calculated above:

torch.all(prob_positive_class == proba[:, 1])